A dream come true
Most little girls grow up wanting desperately to have their own horse. I was one of those girls. I was also blessed to have parents that wanted to make this obsession a reality through riding lessons, leased horses and eventually the dream itself, a purebred Arabian mare all my own.
I was twelve when Nutmeg became my horse and she was two. We literally grew up together and had many adventures at horse shows, exploring the hills of San Dimas and of course college. Yes, my pony came to college with me and lived on campus! She has moved all around to be close to me and is now just 5 minutes away. (note to young girls that want a horse: when your parents buy you one and you have it long enough you will eventually have to pay for it!!)
Yesterday, March 18, my dream turned 20 years old! I can't believe that I have been with her for 18 years. Having this horse has been a tremendous influence in my life and how I developed into who I am today. I have lifelong friends because of my interest in horses. Relationships with animals obviously aren't as important as those with humans and family members but there is something to be said about being together for 18 years and the special bond that we have. She definitely knows who I am and neighs each time she sees me. I'd like to think that she loves me and that she isn't just happy to see the food lady!
"Nutty" still acts like a two year old. She runs around with her gorgeously arched Arab neck, big, dark eyes and tail held high. Most people are shocked to find out her age. The only clue to her age are some gray hairs around her eyes and a bit of arthritis. Of course, at this point in my life I unfortunately don't have all the time to ride her but she does get out to play and has a lot of friends at the barn that pay special attention to her. She didn't much like being ridden in arenas anyway and the trails are too steep for old legs. But, she still finds tremendous enjoyment in being groomed and getting her daily snack and walks around the barn.
Happy Birthday to my Butterball.
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