Monday, April 21, 2008

Cat and baby torture

At my house if you are any kind of cute you are subject to abuse. In addition to incessant squishing, cute things will also be dressed up, posed and/or put with other cute things only to further enhance said cuteness. You get an extra cuteness factor if the cute thing you are torturing is clearly highly irritated with the whole ordeal.

Some of you may be familiar with my previous work, "cat with backpack" or "baby dressed as poodle". Recently, Brett has thought it would be a great cute enhancer to create a cat saddle so little babies could ride around on them. While physically this really isn't possible you have to admit it does conjure up a whole lot of cute images.

Anyway, we decided to test the cuteness aspect of babies riding cats and were able to get a nice research photo which I have posted below. I like to call this "baby riding fat cat bareback". We have a skinny cat too but due to his more slender physique he is much more agile and harder to catch and hold down. If I am able to capture the elusive "baby riding skinny/stupid cat" I will be sure to post it immediately.


Anonymous Brooke said...

Well you have me laughing now. I think you guys are hilarious.

1:21 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

Wow Kate is getting so big! I'm coming home thursday night you need to be at mom and dads when i get there!

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Lisa said...

LOVE it!

11:53 AM  
Blogger Maria said...

She's adorable!!

1:35 PM  

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