Monday, May 12, 2008

1st Mother's Day

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being a mom on Mother's Day. We had the family over as usual but this time I also got gifts! I think one of the best parts of being a mom is that my realationship with my mom is now profound because I understand all the emotions and feelings she had with me. It makes it all extra special!

I didn't get that many pictures on my camera but here are a few. I also threw one in of Kate at the park on Saturday. Oh and that white stuff on my boob - bird poop.


Anonymous Amber said...

You look great Tammy!! I am glad to hear your mom's day went well and isn't it amazing how your outlook with your own mom changes so fast when you are a mother yourself? Anyways...Happy Belated Mother's day and Kate looks adorable.

6:48 AM  

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