Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Baby


Blogger vida said...

cute photo!

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the roll over! she is changing so fast, she already looks so much different than from when I was there! I also love the family photo from m-day, very cute.

Lot of love, Maya

5:28 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

she is so cute!

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Amber said...

She is just too cute! It's so exciting for you and Brett that she is rolling over! Just wait, pretty soon it will be sitting up, then crawling and then there will be no stopping her! She will be running around before you know it! I love the family picture, you guys make a beautiful family. (and you look GREAT Tammy)

9:39 AM  

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