Sunday, June 01, 2008

Four months old!

I can't believe it but little baby Kate is officially 4-months old today! I was a bad mom and forgot to take pictures earlier so here she is in her PJs just before bed. She is so active now. Her Exersaucer is her favorite thing to do and she loves squealing and throwing herself backward in it. When you put her down she almost immediately roles over on to her tummy and she is doing a great job of lifting herself up on her arms now.

Kate loves to suck on her hands these days. In fact anything that she grabs she puts in her mouth. But she love her hands and fingers the most.

A newer development is her ability to drool profusely. She has a talent for dripping long strings of drool out her mouth and onto her chest or a parent. (sounds like she takes after one of her close family members...)

Much to Brett's frustration Kate still sleeps in her bassinet in our room. I just can't bear to move her to the crib, especially since she roles over onto her belly now. I am taking baby steps however and have been putting her in her crib for naps.

I haven't posted a lot of pictures lately so that is why there are so many. Here is just a cute sequence showing her rolling over.

And last but not least, to see some utterly amazing photos of my sweet baby please visit


Blogger Maria said...

I recognize one of her outfits. lol :)

10:45 AM  

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