Friday, June 20, 2008

Working mama

So it has been a long time since I have posted. Reason being is that I have gone back to work. We have been truly blessed and my wonderful company has allowed me to work from home with one day a week in the office. I honestly don't know if I could have gone back to the office and left Kate with a nanny. In fact, I couldn't have done it and that is pretty much what I told the big bosses. Now I get to be with my little baby and also still have the personal satisfaction and of course the monetary benefits of working.

It hasn't been easy though. When I am in for my one day a week I feel so invigorated and I get so much done. At home it is a real struggle. I have a lot of guilt that I am not paying enough attention to Kate and likewise not getting enough work done. I usually stay up late and complete urgent things for work. It is just two weeks in so I hope things get into a groove.

Here are some pics of sweet baby Kate. She adores Conan and stares at him whenever he is around and makes little cooing noises to him. We let her get close and she took some huge chunks of hair and almost ripped his ear of so he really doesn't like her too much. In fact yesterday he took a few good swats at her when she was reaching for him!

Kate is also making a great effort to sit up on her own. She can maintain her balance for about a minute. The girls at Gymboree said this is pretty ahead of schedule for her age. Uh-oh, does this mean she will be crawling soon?


Blogger Tonya said...

she is growing so fast!

I am glad you are able to work from is a balancing act I am sure, but you will find a balance...and when you get out of balance (which will happen!) you just adjust and work harder at the great balancing act of motherhood!

Keep your head up and give that little girl a kiss for me!



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