Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Like father, like daughter

Most of you that read this blog felt the earthquake we had yesterday morning. Boy was that scary! I live less than 10 miles from the epicenter so I really felt it. As soon as it hit I jumped up from the table where I was working on my laptop, ran over to Kate on the floor, picked her up and dashed out the front door. Somewhere in there I saw Conan running for his life.

In retrospect this probably wasn't the safest thing to do since some items did fall to the floor from where they were perched. However it does bring back memories of the Whitter-Narrows quake almost 21 years ago where a similar situation occurred. My mom, 1 year old brother and I were in the kitchen when the quake bolted in. I was running to get under the kitchen table when my dad came running from his bedroom, stark naked (yep), picked me up like a football and ran to the backyard. The image of the pool sloshing water over the side and my dad's birthday suit is forever burned into my subconscious.


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