Monday, September 15, 2008

A day at Disneyland

After getting Kate's 7-month pictures done by the amazing Tonya Joy, we went with my parents to DL. This was the first time we've been there where Kate was actually interested in what was going on. She also went on her first rides! We went on some of the dive rides in Fantasyland and of course the carousel. I can't wait to take her back again.

Oh and big news - she has a tooth! It popped out on 9/10 and she really didn't fuss all that much beside being a little grumpy that day. It is on the bottom left. Since she is crawling around so much we invested in a corral of sorts to keep her captive while in our family room. She very easily pulls her self up and stands while supported by the walls. I bet she will be walking by 9 months! Best of all, she is especially cuddly and squishable these days. :)


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